A boy and a talking dog accidentally get blasted into space on a rocket and land on Mars where they meet a kind alien. But trouble strikes when the monster alien is awoken and goes after the whole town. It is down to the boy and the dog to save the day, the kind aliens, and the planet, before returning home to Earth to their worried family.


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Johnathan has always struggled with socialising and school life in general, and masked how he felt because of being autistic and not wanting to show everyone how much he really struggled.

However, during the 2020 lockdown he felt free and that he didn’t have to mask and he was so happy.

He used this time to do things he loved and making up stories and writing were two of those things (they still are), so he decided to write a book aimed at children. He was 10 years old at the time.

He has made changes and improvements over time to the story and always said he would love to get it published one day, to prove to others he can achieve something even with his struggles and that autistic people can still succeed. (He believes nobody should let anything or anyone stop them from reaching their goals.)

At age 12, he asked his best friend, Beth, if she would illustrate it for him as he thought she was so talented at drawing, she agreed. They then worked on it together to get it fully finished over the last 2 years.

At 14 years old they achieved it and here it is ready to buy.