In the VERY early 2000's two young men were sat in the Co-op warehouse listening to the radio trying to wish away their hangover from the heavy Saturday night they endured a few hours earlier.

One of these young men was the absolute LEGEND James Harradine (Peck) who is sadly no longer with us.

The other was, and still is an was me.

I managed to drag myself onto the shop floor to attempt to be productive but made very little progress before James shouted me back to the warehouse to listen to a particular song that he loved that had come on the radio.

Local Boy In The Photograph had been turned up loud and for just over three minutes we forgot about the hangovers. James sang along.....terribly () and I listened.

I went out and bought this CD in the following days and then an adoration for the Stereophonics blossomed thereafter.

I love the band.

I love their songs and Kelly Jones as a song writer.

I have experienced some of my best ever gigs with my pal Peewee watching them.

And this week I managed to get tickets for Nat and I to go and watch Kelly's new venture with Far From Saints in December.

Stereophonics has brought me so many amazing memories and although it is a sad song, Local Boy In The Photograph will always remind me of that morning sat with Peck in the warehouse.

It has the wonderful ability to simultaneously put a lump in my throat and a smile on my face no matter how many times I listen to it.

Have a lovely weekend all  

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