Cometh the man cometh the hour

condensed all into a little red flower

It represents the blood that flowed

for something hopefully we'll never know

It reminds us of our brave personnel 

who first hand witnessed a living hell

‘Operation Dynamo’ on Dunkirk Beach

So thousands saw home within their reach 

Some wear poppies in different colours

which represents the lives of others

white is for peace whereas animals purple

It's not traditional and some controversial 

Men fought bravely and some sadly died

others felt guilty as to why they survived

nightmares reoccurring of a time spent in hell

never forgetting the bullets and shells

Many a life was just snatched away

so you today could have your say

It's not just Dunkirk it's for all of our wars 

You heroes you martyrs we all applaud

I'll wear my Poppy with respect and pride

and stop and think of all those who died

It's a small price to pay for what you endured

and we'll never forget assured

Lest we forget

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