Our country has gone to the dogs
we're so angry scared and confused
stabbings are now epidemic 
our hospitality has been abused

We would welcome literally anyone
with warm hearts and open arms
but we don't want any more bad guys
who hate us and want to cause harm

We have enough already,
of our own who are born and bred here
why would we welcome in others?
causing sh@t and adding more fear

Everyone is welcome, seriously,
but you must respect our culture
If we lose our liberal identity 
then we may as well be Russia

Please control our borders
as some clearly aren't our friends 
we've come to the end of our tether 
so stop these sickening trends

Call us far-right and racist
we've heard it too many times
knife killers and machete thugs
you've really crossed the line

Our country’s becoming lawless 
nearing the point of no return
control unprocessed migrants
or, watch our country burn

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