Hats off to all you mums out there

You’re worth your weight in gold

mine was always picking me up

all hours in the freezing cold!

 I’m guilty of taking her for granted

and her opinion - I just couldn’t see 

the penny has dropped in later years

you deserve an M.B.E.

You did blow up occasionally 

as I was rude selfish and mean

I’m truly amazed you put up with me?

are you still taking sertraline?

The teenage years were testing

you were pushed right to the limit

but I wouldn’t change you for the world

not for one second of a minute

You’ve loved me unconditionally 

and I appreciate you every day

so I’m pushing out the boat this year

with the biggest best bouquet!!

I could pop round and see you?

but the car won’t start - I’m stuck

I know I shouldn’t really ask ……

but.. could you come and pick me up?

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