A man crawling back from the depths of despair to shout out and save others from drifting offshore, a thousand slices of hurt and despair creased into a chapter never to explore, shards of broken glass under my feet with pain that is hard to shelve from every secret I keep. Wounds cut steep when loneliness sets deep of a world where unconditional love is a gateway to oblivion, where technology and money is happily handed off the backs of the ones we love.

I think the world has forgotten how to love. I don't need no expensive phone, I don't need the coat from your back or the notes in your wallet, I need your time, your joy and endless love. Love in an unconditional form, not a financial swarm. The freedom to be, to live in uncertainty with an ease that someone's got your back, not with just finances and that, I would have a job if I'd like a pay packet or two but your time is all that is needed, time spent with you, just me, and you.

This poem is coming from the inner child out of joy of poetry. I write these to feel free with no judgement and no should be. I love writing, it sets me free and helps me to gather my thoughts in a way that brings me calmness and serenity. It may be shit, it may be good but what is important is it is coming straight from me with no editing. From that little boy who is confused about love.

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