I've been thinking a lot about gigs this week. 

2023 will be my most live music showings since I 'left the nest' and moved in with Nat 15 years ago.

I was lucky enough to have seen Elton John with my family when I was a kid, but the memory is quite hazy on that one.

I've done a bit of digging, and I reckon I saw Linkin Park on Monday 4th June 2001 at London 02 Academy Brixton.

If you see this and were one of the members of the group that went, feel free to confirm or correct me.

One thing I do know, is that this was my first ever gig with friends and it was sensational!

#crippsysmemorylane is Hybrid Theory this Friday.

It's 6 years, 1 Week and 1 Day since the world lost the extremely talented Chester Bennington.

The silver lining of losing music idols though, is that they are just a Play button click away from having them in the same room as you all over again 💙

Have a lovely weekend you ruddy beauties.

Bonjour x

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